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Me: Self-isolation practices made me recall my roommate's robot design called, The Pat Me Robot. Now more than ever its something that might help people with loneliness that quarantining ourselves brings. Her project was reported and featured in the NYC Media lab’19

News: ““Pat Me” is an emotional robot designed for the lonely person who needs accompany and comfort. I was inspired by the “patting head” stickers we usually use while chatting on Wechat, the most popular social media in China. In todays China, we usually use the “patting head” gesture to show our concern between people in a close relationship. I was a newcomer to New York at that time. When I felt upset and chatted with my friends online, they always sent me the “patting head” stickers, but I cannot get the feeling of being comforted. It makes me feel even more lonely. So I came up with the idea of designing a robot to accompany me and pat my head whenever I need it.”

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